Our Latest Perspectives
Abiding in the Middle

Many faith traditions set aside times for turning inward, reflecting, and spiritual practice. Right now, many Christians are practicing Lent while many Muslims observe Ramadan. Honoring these special times with the support of a religious community reminds us of the regenerative, inward work we need to do to become more human and sustain ourselves as leaders, especially in times of transition.
What I Love About Interim Ministry

People have lots of questions about interim ministry—is it really necessary, how long should it last, what should the focus be? As an unintentional practitioner at both the judicatory and congregational levels (which means that I got coopted to do the work rather than seeking it out), I want to approach the subject differently: What do I love about an interim’s life?
Congregations’ Stances Toward Society

Is your congregation a fortress, a partner, a prophetic voice, or an enmeshed part of its community? How do its traditions, its membership, or political events shape its attitude toward the society around it? In a time when many people have strong feelings about changes in the wider society, they want to know and understand their congregation’s stance toward the wider culture.
When the Pastor Isn’t Trusted to Supervise

When boards and committees lose faith in the pastor’s supervisory ability, they often intervene in unhelpful ways. They forget or neglect their own oversight responsibility, which is the very thing that could make things right. Instead, they practice micromanagement, or they restrict the authority of the head of staff—practices which, in the end, harm the congregation.
Clear Delegation

Everyone knows delegation is important, but most of the advice you hear about it is one-sided: “You’ve got to trust your people!” “The best ideas come from the bottom, not the top!” “Detailed job descriptions lay the groundwork for effective evaluation.” Each of these bits of advice captures part of the picture. But followed separately, each leads into its own morass of error. Effective delegators grant authority while also giving guidance and providing for accountability.
Returning to the Core

If ever there was an election with a clear message to the mainline churches, it has been the election of November 2024. To me, the message is: Church, get back to your core competencies, core mission, core message. Young people, especially, are already trying to improve the world. They need our help creating a theological and spiritual foundation for work they are already doing!
Expanding SWOT for the Church

SWOT analysis is ubiquitous. This planning and decision-making tool is used in so many different professional environments, it is widely understood by church members. However, from my point of view as both a consultant and a working minister, SWOT needs to be expanded to direct attention to not only what is known, but what is only dimly seen through eyes of faith.